Description Genesis x50!Detailed description of the server and its features!
Basic informationDates and other information
StagesAbout the stages of evolution
Information about itemsInformation about boxes/reward
Drop itemsDrop items in details
Author's contentNew bosses, locations, equipment
FeaturesNew server systems
Server currenciesServer currencies in detail
Golden bossesDetails about good bosses
Reset systemHelpful information
Castle SiegeLand of Trials
Auto-eventsDetails about in-game events
InvasionsDetails about in-game events
Basic informationDates and other information
Closed Test Server
Launching a new GENESIS x50 !
Dear friends, we have fixed many bugs, improved the server Genesis x50. We are now ready to welcome old and new Mu Online Classic PvP players. We changed our attitude and worked on a lot of issues related to player communication.
Basic information!

Server version: Season 6 Episode 3.

Server rates (Dynamic experience)

     Experience Normal Player: x50.

     Experience VIP Player : x60.

Master Level

     Experience Normal Player: x5.

     Experience VIP Player: x7.

     Maximum Master Level: 400.

Maximum Master Level: 400.

Maximum reset: 50.

Maximum grand reset: 5.

Maximum window per HWID: 3.

Maximum window per IP: 10.

Characters in game: Elf, Dark Wizard, Dark Knight, Summoner, Magic Gladiator, Dark Lord, Rage Fighter

     Magic Gladiator need 220 Level for create.

     Dark Lord need 250 Level for create.

     Rage Fighter need 250 Level for create.

With VIP Account can create ALL Characters from 1 Level.

Server Currencies: Zen, Jewels, GenCoin, Hunt Point.

     Zen: Monsters, quests, achievements, contracts, dailies, bosses, events, trade and so on.

     GenCoin: Bosses, achievements, time online and events.

Guild creation: 250 Level.

     Maximum players in guild: 15.

     Minimum players in guild for alliance: 15.

     Maximum alliance: 1

Elf Buffer maximum level

     Free Account : 150 Level and 1 reset.

     VIP Account : 250 Level and 2 reset.

Spots in all maps for 6 monsters (top 7).

MU Helper available from level 1.

Overwrite Buff Work.

Disabled Gens.

New mixes.

Achievements System. (total 51)

Infinity Arrow for Elf from 1 Level.

New OFF ATTACK System. (with auto-pick any items)

     Auto-Pick work only with VIP.

New Quest System.

     Points (They remain after you do the reset)



New system for sell items in game with market items.

Full HD Graphics.

New system Jewels Bank.

New system Events Time in game.

New bosses.

All spots are shown on the MiniMap.

Anti-Lag Window to set your perfect FPS.

Formula Zen: 50*Monster Level + Item Zen Drop.

Blood Castle Entry Limit: 4 entries per day per character. (vip: 5 entries)
(cooldown time started after the last entry)
Devil Square Entry Limit: 4 entries per day per character. (vip: 5 entries)
(cooldown time started after the last entry)
Chaos Castle Entry Limit: 1 entries per day per character. (vip: 1 entries)
(cooldown time started after the last entry)
Maximum number of Excellent options: 3
Maximum number of Socket options: 3
Maximum server reset: 50
Maximum stats on the server: 32767
Maximum Master Levels on the server: 400
Quest System
On your server there's a system of sequential quests, which can help you diversify your gaming process and, moreover, give you items as awards for completing those quests | Level Up Points.
And by completing all of the available quests you get 5000+ Level Up Points and other precious awards in form of items / jewels.
At the moment, the system has 101 game quests.
Bonus Party
Normal party
2 Players in party = 75% experience
3 Players in party = 80% experience
4 Players in party = 85% experience
5 Players in party = 90% experience
Bonus Party
2 Players in party = 80% experience
3 Players in party = 85% experience
4 Players in party = 90% experience
5 Players in party = 95% experience
Screenshots in game
Kanturu Event
Team vs Team!
Lucking Boss!
Deleted HP Bar to bosses
Every player should know!
Despite the fact that server rates are x50, character development speed - moderate. Be prepared for small challenges, because overcoming them brings real pleasure!
Forward - for new victories on MUGENESIS.ONLINE!
About all stages
1 Stage
2 Stage
3 Stage
About 1 Stage






Blood Castle MiniBosses Dungeon Great Dragon Bone Blade Wings of Dragon
Devil Square Dungeon Attack (without Orc Slayer) Dark Soul Grand Viper Staff Wings of Soul
Chaos Castle Golden Dragons (without Rabbit) Red Spirit Arrow Viper Bow Wings of Spirit
Pandora Box Red Dragon Hurricane Sword Dancer Wings of Darkness
Angels vs Demons Zaikan Dark Master Great Lord Scepter Cape of Lord
Happy Hour Pouch of Blessing Demonic Demonic Stick Wings of Despair
Quiz Fire Flame Ghost Piercing Groove Piercing Glove Cape of Fighter
Skeleton King
Cursed Santa
White Wizard
Premium Boss
About 2 Stage






Illusion Temple Lucking Boss Dragon Knight Blessed Divine Sword of Archangel Wings of Chaos
Doppelganger Golden Rabbit Venom Mist Blessed Divine Staff of Archangel Wings of Magic
Mini Castle Siege Illusion of Kundun (K1-K6) Sylpid Ray Blessed Divine Crossbow of Archangel Wings of Life
Castle Siege Illusion of Kundun (K7) Volcano Cloak of Death
Battle Royale Nightmare Sunlight Blessed Divine Scepter of Archangel
Endless Tower Balgass Storm Blitz Blessed Divine Stick of Archangel
Orc Slayer (Dungeon Attack) Piercing Groove Blessed Divine Claw of Archangel
About 3 Stage






Medusa Socket Socket Wings of Storm
Selupan Wings of Space
Anquelios Wings of Illusion
Wings of Hurricane
Wing of Dimension
Mantle of Monarch
Cape of Overrule
About 4 Stage
Comming Soon...
Server currencyServer currencies in detail
Jewel of Bless
Drop from all monsters
Jewel of Soul
Drop from all monsters. Success rate 60% excluding Luck
Jewel of Chaos
Drop from all monster. Used in a Chaos Machine
Jewel of Life
Drop from all monsters. Used for Aditional Defense +28
Jewel of Creation
Drop from all monsters. Most often used in a chaos machine
Jewel of Guardian
Drop in locations Kalima 7 | Land Of Trials. Is used for PvP Option 380
Drop in location all Kanturu maps. Can be exchanged for Jewel Of Harmony in Maya Event.
Success chance 100%
Jewel Of Harmony
Can be exchanged Gemstone in Maya Event.
Chance to get Harmony Option 50%
Lower refining stone
Can be exchanged in location Aida NPC - (Osborne) from ordinary items +4.
Success chance 20%
Higher refining stone
Can be exchanged in location Aida NPC - (Osborne) с Excellent items +4.
Probability of successful 50%
Jewel of Option
Добавляет Aditional Defense +28.
Probability of successful - 50%.
Jewel of Luck
Add Luck option for any of your items.
Probability of successful - 50%.
Jewel of Skill
Add Skill option for any of your weapons.
Probability of successful - 50%.
Add Excellent option for your item.
Cannot be used on Wings,Ancient items and rings/pendants.
Maximum amount Excellent options on the item - 3.
The probability of adding an option - 50%.
Jewel of Excellent
Jewel of Wings
Raises the level (enchantment) of your wings by 1 level.
Probability of successful - 50%.
Jewel of Accessory
Raises the level (enchantment) of your accessory (ring/pendant) by 1 level.
Probability of successful - 50%.
Author's contentNew bosses, locations, equipment
Great Dungeon
Hunt Point
Locations (new maps)
The server contains 8 new locations - easy, normal and hard. They are well balanced among themselves. The introduction of farming zones provides moderately fast character development, competition for spots, fun and all that we love so much in our beloved Mu Online!
Rules for move: Minimum 2 resets, maximum: 5 resets
Uruk Mountain
Rules for move: Minimum 3 resets, maximum: 5 resets
Rules for move: Minimum 6 resets, maximum: 8 resets
Rules for move: Minimum 6 resets, maximum: 8 resets
Rules for move: Minimum 6 resets, maximum: 8 resets
Kubera Mine
Rules for move: Minimum 9 resets, maximum: 10 resets
Atlans Abyss
Rules for move: Minimum 9 resets, maximum: 10 resets
Scotch Canyon
Rules for move: Minimum 9 resets, maximum: 10 resets
Bosses (news raid)
White Wizard
Location: Noria, Lorencia, Devias.
Special Drop: Ring of Wizard.
Respawn: 09:15 | 13:15 | 16:15 | 21:15.
Announce In Game: Yes.
Location: Tarkan.
Special Drop: Loch's Feather, Crest of Monarch.
Quantity Respawn: 1 Boses.
Respawn: 17:30.
Announce In Game: Yes.
Red Dragon
Location: Lorencia | Noria | Devias.
Special Drop: 80% Bundle Jewel of Chaos(10), Bundle Jewel of Soul(10), Bundle Jewel of Bless(10) or 20% Zen: 10.000.000.

Quantity Respawn: 1 Boses.
Respawn: 06:50 | 15:50.
Announce In Game: Yes.
Lord Of Kundun
Location: Kalima 7.
Items: 3 Random Ancient items.
Respawn: 20:30.
Announce In Game: Yes.
Nightmare, Maya Hands
Location: Kanturu Remain.
Maya Hands(right, left) : Bundled Gemstone.
Nightmare: Bundled Jewel of Harmony.
Respawn: 24 hours after the killings.
Announce In Game: Yes.
Location: LaCleon.
Socket/Excellent Armors: Lilium, Titan, Brave, Phantom, Destroy, Seraphim, Divine, Royal, Hades.
Respawn: 24 hours after the killings.
Announce In Game: Yes.
Location: Swamp Of Peace.
Excellent Earring: Wrath(R,L), Ancestral(R,L), Blood(R,L), Blood(R,L), Deception(R,L), Unity(R,L), Verdant(R,L).
Respawn: 19:30.
Announce In Game: Yes.
Location: Land of Trials
Jewels: Bundle Jewel of Chaos(10), Bundle Jewel of Soul(10), Bundle Jewel of Bless(10).
Misc: Fragment of Horn, Talisman of Chaos Assembly.
Respawn: 24 hours after the killings.
Announce In Game: Yes.
Location: CryWolf.
Items: 380 Weapons and Sets.
Respawn: 19:00 Every Wednesday.
Announce In Game: Yes.
Location: Elbeland.
Items: Jewel of Luck.
Respawn: 19:30 Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday.
Announce In Game: Yes.
Location: Great Dungeon.
Rings: +0...+7 (Simple).
Pendants: +0...+7 (Simple)
Respawn: 19:30 Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
Announce In Game: Yes.
Orc Slayer
Location: Great Dungeon.
Special: Death King Bone, Hell Maine Leather, Dark Phoenix Flame, Death Beam Knight Soul.
Respawn: 19:30 Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
Announce In Game: Yes.
Location: Great Dungeon.
Special: Crystal of Destruction, Crystal of Multi-Shot, Crystal of Recovery, Crystal of Flame Strike, Scroll of Chaotic Diseier, Innovation Parchment, Scroll of Wizardry Enhance, Scroll of Gigantic Storm.
Respawn: 13:50, 19:10
Announce In Game: Yes.
Location: Barracks.
Special: Condor Feather.
Respawn: 21:30
Announce In Game: Yes.
Illusion of Kundun
Location: Kalima 1-6.
Jewels: Bundled Jewels of Chaos, Soul, Bless.
Respawn: 21:30
Announce In Game: Yes.
Premium Boss
Location: Dungeon
For player without VIP: 6 hours VIP.
For player with VIP: +3 hours VIP.
Respawn: 08:15, 19:05
Announce In Game: Yes.
Инстансы (временные зоны)
На сервер добавлены 2 новых камалоки - одиночная и партийная.
Одиночная камалока проверит вас на прочность и позволит добыть определенное количество Медалей за Отвагу без какой-либо конкуренции.
Партийная камалока позволит весело и непринужденно провести время с друзьями и получить за это хорошую награду.
Аванпост Культа Шилен (Одиночная камалока)
Описание: В данной камалоке находятся Легкие Монстры. При их атаке, с определенным шансом может появиться Сложный Монстр. Чем больше Сложных Монстров вы убьете, тем больше награды получите по окончании прохождения камалоки.
Вход в камалоку: У Мастера Наград в центре Гирана.
Требования для входа: 85 уровень персонажа.
Время преребывания: 20 минут с момента входа в Камалоку.
Награда за прохождение: Медали за Отвагу.
Повторный вход: Через 24 часа. Откат на данную зону привязывается к вашему HWID!
База Культа Шилен (Партийная камалока)
Описание: В данной камалоке находятся монстры из Легкой и Сложной зон для фарма. Вам придется прорваться сквозь волны монстров прямиком к боссу, за убийство которого выдается хорошая награда.
Вход в камалоку: У Мастера Наград в центре Гирана.
Требования для входа: Группа из 2-9 человек.
Время преребывания: 60 минут с момента входа в Камалоку.
Награда за прохождение: Адена, Медали за Отвагу, Редкая броня и бижутерия Венеры.
Повторный вход: Через 24 часа. Откат на данную зону привязывается к вашему HWID!
Квесты (дополнительный сюжет)
На сервер добавлены 2 новых квеста, которые расскажут вам часть истории Культа Шилен.
Заговор Заката
Описание: Альтернативный квест на статус Дворянина, открывающий двери в новую, интересную историю Культа Шилен. Для тех, кому интересен лор, именно с данного задания стоит начать изучение нашей дополнительной сюжетной линии.
Начало: У Франца в центре Гирана.
Требования: 85 уровень персонажа.
Рекомендации: Советуем приступать к выполнению этого задания после того, как ваш персонаж будет уверенно себя чувствовать в сложной зоне для фарма.
Награда: Статус Дворянина, Медали за Отвагу (единоразово на HWID).
Особенности: Не требует наличия сабклассов и убийства РБ, проходится в одиночку за 1-2 часа.
Дьявольский Гибрид (Единоразовый Квест)
Описание: Простой квест, целью которого является убийство финального босса Базы Культа Шилен. Содержит небольшой отрывок сюжетной информации о Культе Шилен.
Начало: У Имперского Тактика в центре Гирана.
Требования: 85 уровень персонажа.
Рекомендации: Возьмите это задание перед тем как отправитесь на Базу Культа Шилен (партийная камалока).
Награда: Коробка Фортуны.
Особенности: Прохождение квеста доступно 1 раз для HWID.
Квесты (дополнительный сюжет)
На сервер добавлены 2 новых квеста, которые расскажут вам часть истории Культа Шилен.
Заговор Заката
Описание: Альтернативный квест на статус Дворянина, открывающий двери в новую, интересную историю Культа Шилен. Для тех, кому интересен лор, именно с данного задания стоит начать изучение нашей дополнительной сюжетной линии.
Начало: У Франца в центре Гирана.
Требования: 85 уровень персонажа.
Рекомендации: Советуем приступать к выполнению этого задания после того, как ваш персонаж будет уверенно себя чувствовать в сложной зоне для фарма.
Награда: Статус Дворянина, Медали за Отвагу (единоразово на HWID).
Особенности: Не требует наличия сабклассов и убийства РБ, проходится в одиночку за 1-2 часа.
Дьявольский Гибрид (Единоразовый Квест)
Описание: Простой квест, целью которого является убийство финального босса Базы Культа Шилен. Содержит небольшой отрывок сюжетной информации о Культе Шилен.
Начало: У Имперского Тактика в центре Гирана.
Требования: 85 уровень персонажа.
Рекомендации: Возьмите это задание перед тем как отправитесь на Базу Культа Шилен (партийная камалока).
Награда: Коробка Фортуны.
Особенности: Прохождение квеста доступно 1 раз для HWID.
Equipment (2.5 wings and 4th wings)
The 2.5 Wings are created in the Chaos Machine with a special recipe.
Wings of Chaos
- 1x Wings 2 Lvl +9 (Wings of Dragon, Wings of Darkness, Wings of Despair)
- 1x Bundled Jewel of Creation
- 1x Jewel of Chaos
- 1x Hell Maine's Leather
Zen: 10,000,000 Zen

With a probability of 60%, in case of a successful combination will be created a Wings of Chaos.
Wings of Life
- 1x Wings 2 Lvl +9 (Wings of Spirits)
- 1x Bundled Jewel of Creation
- 1x Jewel of Chaos
- 1x Death Beam Knight
Zen: 10,000,000 Zen

With a probability of 60%, in case of a successful combination will be created a Wings of Life.
Wings of Magic
- 1x Wings 2 Lvl +4 +4 Add ~ (Wings of Soul, Wings of Darkness, Wings of Despair)
- 1x Bundled Jewel of Creation
- 1x Jewel of Chaos
- 1x Death Phoenix Flame
Zen: 10,000,000 Zen

With a probability of 60%, in case of a successful combination will be created a Wings of Magic.
Cloak of Death
- 1x Wings 2 Lvl +4 +4 Add ~ (Cape of Lord, Cape of Fighter)
- 1x Bundled Jewel of Creation
- 1x Jewel of Chaos
- 1x Death King's Bone
Zen: 10,000,000 Zen

With a probability of 60%, in case of a successful combination will be created a Cloack of Cloak.

Wings of Chaos Wings of Magic Wings of Life Cloak of Death
Class Blade Knight
Magic Gladiator
Soul Master
Magic Gladiator
Bloody Summoner
Fairy Elf Dark Lord
The 4th Wings are created in the Chaos Machine with a special recipe.
The recipe for the creation of the 4th Wings - [1 stage]
- 1x Wings 3 Lvl +13 +4 Add ~ (Any)
- 5x Greater Spirit Stone
- 1x Pack Jewel of Bless x30
- 1x Pack Jewel of Soul x30
- 1x Pack Jewel of Chaos x30
Zen: 1,000,000,000 Zen

With a probability of 80%, in a random successful combination, will be created the Garuda Feather.
The recipe for the creation of the 4th Wings - [2 stage]
- 1x Garuda Feather
- 1x Garuda Flame
- 10x Greater Spirit Stone
- 10x Golden Sentece
- 1x Pack Jewel of Bless x30
- 1x Pack Jewel of Soul x30
- 1x Pack Jewel of Chaos x30
- 1x Pack Jewel of Creation x30
Zen: 1,000,000,000 Zen

With a probability of 70%, in a random successful combination, will be created the 4th Wings.

Wings Avatar Wings Heavenly Wings Orb Wings Orb Wings Fall Cape Dominator
Class Blade Master Grand Master High Elf Dimension Summoner Duel Master Lord Emperor
Craft (create new mixes)
- 10x Satan (Durability: 255)
- 1x Jewel of Chaos

Price: 1,000,000 Zen

With a probability of 75%, in case of a successful combination will be created a Demon.
Spirit of Guardian
- 10x Guardian Angel (Durability: 255)
- 1x Jewel of Chaos

Price: 1,000,000 Zen

With a probability of 75%, in case of a successful combination will be created a Spirit of Guardian.
Snake (Yellow) (Lv2)
- x2 Snake (Green) (Lv1)

Price: 1,000,000 Zen

With a probability of 50%, in case of a successful combination will be created a Summon Scroll (Lv2).
Snake (Purple) (Lv3)
- x1 Snake (Yellow) (Lv2)
- x1 Summon Scroll (Lv1)

Price: 1,000,000 Zen

With a probability of 50%, in case of a successful combination will be created a Summon Scroll (Lv3).
Snake (Red) (Lv4)
- x1 Snake (Purple) (Lv3)
- x1 Summon Scroll (Lv1)

Price: 1,000,000 Zen

With a probability of 50%, in case of a successful combination will be created a Summon Scroll (Lv4).
Snake (Red) (Lv4)
- x1 Snake (Purple) (Lv3)
- x1 Summon Scroll (Lv1)

Price: 1,000,000 Zen

With a probability of 50%, in case of a successful combination will be created a Summon Scroll (Lv4).
Crystal of Excellent
- Ore of Excellent
- Bundled Jewel of Bless +1
- Bundled Jewel of Soul
- Bundled Jewel of Life
- Bundled Jewel of Creation
- Bundled Jewel of Chaos

Price: 75,000,000 Zen

With a probability of 75%, in case of a successful combination will be created a Crystal of Excellent.
Crystal of Option
- Ore of Option
- Bundled Jewel of Bless
- Bundled Jewel of Life
- Bundled Jewel of Chaos

Price: 25,000,000 Zen

With a probability of 100%, in case of a successful combination will be created a Crystal of Option.
Crystal of Skill
- Ore of Skill
- Bundled Jewel of Bless
- Bundled Jewel of Creation
- Bundled Jewel of Chaos

Price: 25,000,000 Zen

With a probability of 100%, in case of a successful combination will be created a Crystal of Skill.
Crystal of Level
- Ore of Level
- Bundled Jewel of Bless
- Bundled Jewel of Soul
- Bundled Jewel of Creation
- Bundled Jewel of Life
- Bundled Jewel of Chaos

Price: 25,000,000 Zen

With a probability of 100%, in case of a successful combination will be created a Crystal of Level.
Crystal of Luck
- Ore of Luck
- Bundled Jewel of Bless
- Bundled Jewel of Soul
- Bundled Jewel of Chaos

Price: 25,000,000 Zen

With a probability of 100%, in case of a successful combination will be created a Crystal of Luck.
Jewel of Wings
- Bundled Jewel of Bless +1
- Bundled Jewel of Soul +1
- Bundled Jewel of Chaos

Price: 50,000,000 Zen

With a probability of 100%, in case of a successful combination will be created a Jewel of Wings.
Jewel of Accessory
- Bundled Jewel of Bless +1
- Bundled Jewel of Soul +1
- Bundled Jewel of Chaos

Price: 50,000,000 Zen

With a probability of 100%, in case of a successful combination will be created a Jewel of Accessory.
Great Dungeon (Upgrade Location)
Dungeon 2/3 was removed and merged into Dungeon 1, creating the Great Dungeon where players can level up and look for special monsters with unique drops on the server. There is no portal to enter the Dungeon on foot, it is only available from level 50.
At the end of the map, you will meet the Orc Slayer (Boss)  3 times a week   (Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 19:30). It drops items to mix wings of level 2.5 !


  • Death King Bone
  • Hell Maine Leather
  • Dark Phoenix Flame
  • Death Beam Knight Soul

Additional mini-bosses to Dungeon Attack:

Boss Name Drop Image
Thanos Rings/Pendants +0...+7
Cerberus All top skills (Drop: 70%)
Zen: 3000000 (Drop: 30%)
Kitsune Jack O'Lantern Blessings
Jack O'Lantern Wrath
Jack O'Lantern Cry
Jack O'Lantern Food
Jack O'Lantern Drink
Blood Castle Ticket (x1)
Devil Square Ticket (x1)
Kalima Ticket (x1)
Kappa Cherry Blossom Branches (Drop: 50%)

Additional monsters:

All monsters have random coordinates and spawn times.
Lighting Horse 4x - Talisman of Guild, Item of Talisman.
Lunar Rabbit 3x - Jewel of Chaos, Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul.
Kappa 3x - Cherry Blossom Branches.
Fire Flame Ghost x2 - Divine, Black Dragon, Grand Soul, Glorious, Valiant, Thunder Hawk, Demonic, Piercing Groove, Dragon Shield, Cross Shield, Grand Soul Shield.
Golden Budge Dragon 3x - Box of Luck.
Banshee 2x - Ticket Blood Castle x1, Ticket Devil Square x1, Ticket Kalima x1.
Hunt Point - game currency!
Hunt Point: is the in-game currency on the Genesis server and can only be obtained through in-game events.

1 Hour in game1 Hunt Points



Red Dragon 5 Hunt Points
Golden Budge Dragon 1 Hunt Points
Golden Goblin 2 Hunt Points
Golden Rabbit 2 Hunt Points
Golden Titan 2 Hunt Points
Golden Soldier 1 Hunt Points
Golden Dragon 3 Hunt Points
Golden Lizard King 3 Hunt Points
Golden Vepar 1 Hunt Points
Golden Tantallos 4 Hunt Points
Golden Wheel 2 Hunt Points
Illusion Kundun Kalima 1 2 Hunt Points
Illusion Kundun Kalima 2 2 Hunt Points
Illusion Kundun Kalima 3 2 Hunt Points
Illusion Kundun Kalima 4 2 Hunt Points
Illusion Kundun Kalima 5 2 Hunt Points
Illusion Kundun Kalima 6 2 Hunt Points
Kundun Kalima 7 20 Hunt Points
Erohim 10 Hunt Points
White Wizard 3 Hunt Points
Balgass 10 Hunt Points
Nightmare 10 Hunt Points
Zaikan 2 Hunt Points
Lunar Rabbit 2 Hunt Points
Thanos 7 Hunt Points
Orc Slayer 10 Hunt Points


Blood Castle 2 Hunt Points
Devil Square 2 Hunt Points
Chaos Castle 5 Hunt Points
Illusion Temple 5 Hunt Points
CryWolf 10 Hunt Points
Team vs Team 10 Hunt Points
SkyEvent 15 Hunt Points
Pandora Box 10 Hunt Points
Information about items and rewards
Drop Boxes
Lucky Coin
Cherry Blossom
Information about itemsUseful information about boxes
Box Of Luck
Monster: Golden Budge Dragon.
Zen: 1.500.000
Box Of Heaven
Jewels: Jewel of Bless, Soul, Chaos.
Pets: Guardian Angel, Satan, Horn of Unilia.
Special Drop: Lost Map+1...+7

Drop from monster level 0 ~ 150
Box Of Loot [Low]
Special Drop: Jewel of Bless, Soul, Chaos.
Armor Set: Brass, Scale, Bronze, Leather, Pad Bone, Vine, Silk, Wind.
Weapon: Short Sword, Rapier, Sword of Assassin, Katana, Blade, Gladius, Falchion, Double Axe, Tomahawk, Fairy Axe, Mace, Light Spear, SPear, Dragon Lance, Short Bow, Bow, Elven Bow, Crossbow, Golden Crossbow, Arquebus, Skull Staff, Angelic Staff, Serpent Staff, Serpent Spear, Double Poleax, Legendary Sword, Light Saber, Battle Axe, Battle Bow, Lighting Staff.
Shield: Buckler, Dragon Slayer Shield, Kite Shield, Horn Shield, Elven Shield, Round Shield.

Level Items +7 ~ +11

Drop from monster level 0 ~ 40
Box Of Loot [Medium]
Special Drop: Jewel of Bless, Soul, Chaos.
Armor Set: Plate, Spirit, Sphinx, Light Plate, Violent Wind.
Weapon: Heliacal Sword, Great Scythe, Hammer Great, Berdysh, Helberd, Double Blade, Giant Sword, Crescent Axe, Tiger Bow, Serpent Crossbow, Gorgon Staff, Lighting Staff, Mystery Stick, Violent Wind Stick.

Level Items +7 ~ +9

Drop from monster level 40 ~ 70
Box Of Loot [High]
Special Drop: Jewel of Bless, Soul, Chaos.
Armor Set: Dragon, Guardian, Legendary, Red Wing, Storm Crow, Adamantine, Sacred Fire.
Weapon: Bill of Balrog, Lighting Sword, Bluewing Crossbow, Book of Neil, Red Wing Stick, Legendary Staff, Sacred Fire.
Shield: Chaos Dragon Shield, Grand Soul Shield.

Level Items +7 ~ +9

Drop from monster level 71 ~ 90
Box Of Kundun +1
Armor Set: Pad, Bone, Leather, Bronze, Violent Wind, Vine.
Weapon:Kriss, Elven Axe, Thunder Staff, Tomohawk, Blade, Morning Star, Master Scepter, Violent Wind Stick.
Shield: Kite Shield, Buckler, Small Shield, Horn Shield.
Box Of Kundun +2
Armor Set: Scale, Plate, Light Plate, Wind, Spirit, Sphinx.
Weapon:Chaos Dragon Axe, Double Blade, Gorgon Staff, Legendary Staff, Book of Sahamut, Red Wing Stick, Great Scepter, Silver Bow, Chaos Nature Bow.
Shield: Skull Shield, Plate Shield, Large Round Shield, Elven Shield.
Box Of Kundun +3
Armor Set: Sacred. Dragon, Legendary, Guardian, Storm Crow, Adamantine, Red Wing.
Weapon: Lighting Sword, Lord Scepter, Celestial Crossbow, Resurrection Staff, Chaos Lighting Staff, Crystal Sword, Sacred Glove, Demonic Stick.
Shield: Legendary Shield, Dragon Slayer Shield, Spike Shield, Tower Shield.
Ring: Ring of Ice, Ring of Posion, Ring of Fire, Ring of Earth, Ring of Wind, Ring of Magic, Pendant of Lighting, Pendant of Fire, Pendant of Ice, Pendant of Wind, Pendant of Water, Pendant of Ability.
Box Of Kundun +4
Armor Set: Storm Jahad, Black Dragon, Grand Soul, Divine, Thunder Hawk, Valiant, Glorious, Ancient.
Weapon: Book of Lagle, Dancer Sword, Destruction Sword, DayBreak, Great Lord Scepter, Albastross Bow, Dragon Soul, Storm Blitz Stick, Book of Neil, Holy Storm Claw.
Shield: Grand Soul Shield, Cross Shield, Crimson Glory Shield.
Box Of Kundun +5
Armor Set: Great Dragon, Dark Soul, Red Spirit, Hurricane, Dark Master, Demonic, Piercing Groove.
Weapon: Thunder Blade, Book of Lagle, Knight Blade, Beuroba, Dark Reign, Great Lord Scepter, Arrow Viper Bow, Kundun Staff, Platina Staff, Raven Stick, Piercing Groove Glove.
Shield: Grand Soul Shield, Elemental Shield, Chaos Dragon Axe.
NPC Delgrado (Lorencia 141:140)
Lucky Coin x10
- Jewel of Chaos
- Jewel of Soul
- Jewel of Bless
- Jewel of Life
- Jewel of Creation
- Snake (Green) Lv1
- Loch's Feather
- Crest of Monarch
Lucky Coin x20
- Bundled Jewel of Chaos
- Bundled Jewel of Bless
- Bundled Jewel of Soul
- Bundled Jewel of Creation
- Bundled Jewel of Life
- Bundle Jewel of Chaos
- Snake (Yellow) Lv2
- Ore of Luck
- Ore of Skill
Lucky Coin x30
- Jewel Of Level
- Jewel Of Adicional
- Jewel Of Excelent
- Jewel Of Wings
- Jewel Of Accessory
- Ore of Excellent
- Ore of Luck
- Ore of Skill
- Ore of Option
- Ore of Level
- Death King Bone
- Hell Maine's Leather
- Dark Phoenix Flame
- Death Beam Knight Soul
Golden Archer (Lorencia 141:143)
Rena x30
- Death King Bone
- Hell Maine Leather
- Dark Phoenix Flame
- Death Beam Knight Soul
Cherry Blossom Spirit (Noria 178:127)

Cherry Blossom Box


White Cherry Blossom

Red Cherry Blossom

Golden Cherry Blossom

 White-Cherry-Blossom-Branch Red-Cherry-Blossom-Branch Golden-Cherry-Blossom-Branch

Also with Cherry Blossom Box drops additional buffs: Cherry Blossom Rice Cake , Cherry Blossom Wine.


Image Effect Title Description




Cherry Blossom Rice Cake

Maximum Life Increase +700

30 minutes

Cherry-Blossom-Wine blueblossom Cherry Blossom Wine Maximum Mana Increase+700 30 minutes

After collecting the required number of branches , talk to Cherry Blossom Spirit
&In the open window , put the collected branches and click Combining


White Cherry Blossom x10

Red Cherry Blossom x30

Golden Cherry Blossom x255




White Cherry Blossom






Demon, Spirit of Guardian

Jewel 50% Jewel of Chaos, Jewel of Soul, Jewel of Bles, Jewel of Life

Red Cherry Blossom






Talisman of Luck 5%

Jewel 50% Bundled Chaos x10, Bundled Soul x10, Bundled Chaos x10

Golden Cherry Blossom






Box of Kundun +1...+3

Jewel 25% Bundled Bless x30, Bundled Soul x30, Bundled Chaos x30
NPC Delgrado (Lorencia 141:143)
Lucky Coin x10
- Jewel of Chaos
- Jewel of Bless
- Jewel of Soul
- Talisman of Luck 1%
- Scroll of Health
- Box of Kundun+1
Lucky Coin x20
- Bundled Jewel of Chaos x10
- Bundled Jewel of Soul x10
- Jewel of Bless
- Jewel of Life
- Talisman of Luck 2%
- Scroll of Quickness
- Box of Kundun+2
Lucky Coin x30
- Bundled Jewel of Chaos x20
- Bundled Jewel of Soul x20
- Bundled Jewel of Bless x10
- Jewel of Life
- Talisman of Luck 3%
- Scroll of Battle
- Box of Kundun+3
Drop important items
Drop Items
Jewel of Bless
Drop from all monsters
Jewel of Soul
Drop from all monsters
Jewel of Chaos
Drop from all monster
Jewel of Life
Drop from 72~150 monsters.
Jewel of Creation
Drop from 72~150 monsters.
Jewel of Guardian
Drop in locations Kalima 7 | Land Of Trials.
Drop in location all Kanturu maps.
Lucky Coin
Drop from 0~150 monsters.
Part Feather
Need 10 pieces.
Drop only in Icarus (monster 92~150).
Piece of Summoning Scroll
Summon Evomon.
Drop in all location (monster 77~150).
Spirit of Dark Horse
Drop in locations Kalima 5/6 (monsters 75~150).
Drop in locations Kanturu (monster 98~150)
Spirit of Dark Spirit
Drop in locations Icarus (monsters 75~150).
Drop in locations Kanturu (monster 75~150)
Greater Spirit Stone
Drop in all locations (monster 120+ level)
Golden Sentences
Drop in all locations (monster 120+ level)
Garuda's Flame
Drop in all locations (monster 120+ level)
Splinter of Armor
Drop only in location CryWolf (monsters all)
Bless of Guardian
Drop only in location CryWolf (monsters all)
Claw of Beast
Drop only in location CryWolf (monsters all)
Drop Skills
Orb of Healing
Drop in all locations (monsters 8~20 Level)
Orb of Greater Defense
Drop in all locations (monsters 13~30 Level)
Orb of Greater Damage
Drop in all locations (monsters 18~36 Level)
Orb of Penetration
Drop in all locations (monsters 60~70 Level)
Orb of Ice Arrow
Drop in all locations (monsters 81~84 Level)
Orb of Fire Slash
Drop in all locations (monsters 60~70 Level)
Orb of Twisting Slash
Drop in all locations (monsters 52~87 Level)
Orb of Greater Fortitude
Drop in all locations (monsters 60~70 Level)
Orb of Death Stab
Drop in all locations (monsters 72~74 Level)
Orb of Rageful Blow
Drop in all locations (monsters 76~80 Level)
Scroll of Teleport
Drop in all locations (monsters 9~20 Level)
Scroll of Lighting
Drop in all locations (monsters 4~20 Level)
Scroll of Evil Spirit
Drop in all locations (monsters 50~57 Level)
Scroll of Soul Barrier
Drop in all locations (monsters 77~84 Level)
Scroll of Cometfball
Drop in all locations (monsters 80~84 Level)
Scroll of Nova
Drop in all locations (monsters 120+ Level)
Drain Life Parchment
Drop in all locations (monsters 35~42 Level)
Sleep Parchment
Drop in all locations (monsters 40~47 Level)
Chain Lightning Parchment
Drop in all locations (monsters 75~82 Level)
Damage Reflection Parchment
Drop in all locations (monsters 80~92 Level)
Berserker Parchment
Drop in all locations (monsters 85~97 Level)
Lightning Shock Parchment
Drop in all locations (monsters 92~100 Level)
Weakness Parchment
Drop in all locations (monsters 93~105 Level)
Scroll of FireBurst
Drop in all locations (monsters level 76-80)
Scroll of Summon
Drop in all locations (monsters level 98-105)
Scroll of Fire Scream
Drop in all locations (monsters level 102-110)
Scroll of Critical Damage
Drop in all locations (monsters level 82-100)
Scroll of Electric Spark
Drop in all locations (monsters level 92-100)
Increase Health Parchment
Drop in all locations (monsters 70~75 Level)
Defense Rate Parchment
Drop in all locations (monsters 70~75 Level)
Dragon Roar Parchment
Drop in all locations (monsters 76~79 Level)
Dark Side Parchment
Drop in all locations (monsters 80~84 Level)
Dragon Slayer Parchmentt
Drop in all locations (monsters 100~120 Level)
New server system
Off Helper
Guild Warehouse
Item Market
Pentagram System
Mining fields

The Official MU helper system is fully adapted to the game client and does not need any additional software or resources.The key is the clicker settings. The Play button is for starting the clicker, and your inventory must not be open. Also settings are available by pressing Z, and start - stop clicker by pressing Home


The MU Helper auto clicker has an additional button called Offline Mode. You can put the character on the off-line and the character will swing and collect items on his own.

We have a guild chest on the server where you can store important guild items.

The warehouse is located in Devias at coordinates 215x45.

Only the Assistant Guild Master and the Guild Master have access to the bank.

Система Achievements
A new achievement system - the passage of which is not fast and not easy and you will have to use all your knowledge and strength in Mu Online,
completing each mission will give you even more power-ups and improvements to your character!

For all completed tasks you will receive:
+500 Dmg
+500 Def
+3500 Health
+15% Excellent Damage
+15% Critical Damage

Window Power:

Window Achievements:

System for selling items
The newest feature in Mu Online allows you to display the parameters of the item in the post of the game (post).

How it works:
Pointing at an item
Hold down the CTRL key + click the right mouse button.

To open a item market:
Go to the server menu (Hotkey button "Y")
Open Item Market.

Post system windows:

Item Market Window:

When adding things there will be a global message:

When selling items, the seller receives a message in the friends system:

Pentagram System
With ideas from the high version, MU GENESIS has selected and brought the Pentagram feature to the server, thereby customizing the way it works in the most unique and attractive way.

How it works:
Each system has a maximum of 15 levels, use contribution points to upgrade, the higher the level, the higher the Dmg rate, the higher the Effect (rate * level)
You will receive combat power after leveling up

The Pentagram System has a total of 5 systems: FIRE - WATER - EARTH - WIND - DARK

Each system has a separate effect as well as countering each other, each system will have a different monster damage color separate from normal monster damage.

Open elemental system information:

Upgrade elemental level:

You can choose the desired system for your character at any time, but if you want to change the element then you will be fined with: 5 levels, 300 GenCoin and 5000 contribution points.

How receive Elemental Upgrade Item:

  To create an Upgrade Elemental Item, you need a few steps:

Item of Talisman only falls in the  Acheron map  (Zone 2) (spots are missing on the card), you need  50  items (they stack)  after you collect  50  items, Item of Talisman automatically turns into Item of Elemental.

    There are several types of items that give you different Contribution Points:

  • Item of Talisman (500 Contribution Points)
  • Item of Talisman (750 Contribution Points)
  • Item of Talisman (1000 Contribution Points)
  • Item of Talisman (1500 Contribution Points)
  • Item of Talisman (2000 Contribution Points)

With the  Item of Elemental  go to the  Goblin Machine  and with the help of a  Jewel of Chaos  you get the  Upgrade Elemental Item .

    There are several types of items that give you different Contribution Points:

  • Item of Elemental (500 Contribution Points)
  • Item of Elemental (750 Contribution Points)
  • Item of Elemental (1000 Contribution Points)
  • Item of Elemental (1500 Contribution Points)
  • Item of Elemental (2000 Contribution Points)

Upgrade Elemental:

Upgrade Guild
The guild upgrade system can be said to be the outstanding feature of MU Genesis, we will focus on features related to guild creation so that everyone can come together.

How it works:
Guilds will participate in events, in-game hunting events, or through the item contribution feature to earn additional contribution points.
Guild contribution points: are used to increase the guild's level in the ranking. The higher the level, the greater the BAF you will receive for all guild members to change status.
Personal contribution points: used to purchase items in the guild store and improve other characteristics.

Upgrade Guild Level:

How receive Item of Guild:

  To create an Item of Guild, you need a few steps:

Talisman of Guild only falls in the  Acheron map  (Zone 1) (spots are missing on the card), you need  50  items (they stack)  after you collect  50  items, Talisman of Guild automatically turns into Item of Guild.

    There are several types of items that give you different Contribution Points:

  • Talisman of Guild (100 Contribution Points)
  • Talisman of Guild (200 Contribution Points)
  • Talisman of Guild (300 Contribution Points)
  • Talisman of Guild (500 Contribution Points)

    There are several types of items that give you different Contribution Points:

  • Item of Guild (100 Contribution Points)
  • Item of Guild (200 Contribution Points)
  • Item of Guild (300 Contribution Points)
  • Item of Guild (500 Contribution Points)
Earrings are high-level items that can all be worn as equipment items. These accessory items have unique '+Earring Options' that will give your character that extra boost you need!

Earring of Wrath (Left)

Increases Critical Damage Rate +4%

Increases Defense +150

Increases HP Recovery +2%

Increases Life +200

Required Level: 150

Elemental defense: 15

Attack / Wizardry / Curse: 20

Earring of Wrath (Right)

Increases Defense Succes Rate +4%

Increases Speed +15

Increases Excellent Damage Rate +2%

Increases Mana +400

Required Level: 150

Elemental defense: 25

Attack / Wizardry / Curse: 40

Earring of Ancestral (Left)

Increases Critical Damage Rate +5%

Increases Defense +250

Increases HP Recovery +3%

Increases Life +400

Required Level: 180

Elemental defense: 36

Attack / Wizardry / Curse: 69

Earring of Ancestral (Right)

Increases Defense Succes Rate +5%

Increases Speed +25

Increases Excellent Damage Rate +3%

Increases Mana +600

Required Level: 180

Elemental defense: 94

Attack / Wizardry / Curse: 109

Earring of Glory (Left)

Increases Critical Damage Rate +6%

Increases Defense +350

Increases HP Recovery +4%

Increases Life +600

Required Level: 200

Elemental defense: 102

Attack / Wizardry / Curse: 135

Earring of Glory (Right)

Increases Defense Succes Rate +6%

Increases Speed +35

Increases Excellent Damage Rate +4%

Increases Mana +800

Required Level: 200

Elemental defense: 160

Attack / Wizardry / Curse: 175

Blood Earring (Left)

Increases Critical Damage Rate +7%

Increases Defense +450

Increases HP Recovery +5%

Increases Life +800

Required Level: 240

Elemental defense: 168

Attack / Wizardry / Curse: 210

Blood Earring (Right)

Increases Defense Succes Rate +7%

Increases Speed +45

Increases Excellent Damage Rate +5%

Increases Mana +1000

Required Level: 240

Elemental defense: 226

Attack / Wizardry / Curse: 241

Earring of Deception (Left)

Increases Critical Damage Rate +8%

Increases Defense +550

Increases HP Recovery +6%

Increases Life +1000

Required Level: 260

Elemental defense: 234

Attack / Wizardry / Curse: 267

Earring of Deception (Right)

Increases Defense Succes Rate +8%

Increases Speed +55

Increases Excellent Damage Rate +6%

Increases Mana +1200

Required Level: 260

Elemental defense: 292

Attack / Wizardry / Curse: 307

Earring of Unity (Left)

Increases Critical Damage Rate +9%

Increases Defense +650

Increases HP Recovery +7%

Increases Life +1200

Required Level: 300

Elemental defense: 300

Attack / Wizardry / Curse: 333

Earring of Unity (Right)

Increases Defense Succes Rate +9%

Increases Speed +65

Increases Excellent Damage Rate +7%

Increases Mana +1400

Required Level: 300

Elemental defense: 358

Attack / Wizardry / Curse: 373

Verdant Earring (Left)

Increases Critical Damage Rate +10%

Increases Defense +750

Increases HP Recovery +8%

Increases Life +1400

Required Level: 320

Elemental defense: 366

Attack / Wizardry / Curse: 399

Verdant Earring (Right)

Increases Defense Succes Rate +10%

Increases Speed +75

Increases Excellent Damage Rate +8%

Increases Mana +1600

Required Level: 320

Elemental defense: 424

Attack / Wizardry / Curse: 439

Mining Fields
On our server, there are many different ways to farm rocks and other resources. One of these ways is that you will need to take the pandora axe in your hands and go to search for minning fields.

How it works:
But, it also appears in the Kubera Mine map, 2 times a day (15:15, 21:15)

Drop Pandora Axe:
Pandora Axe drop only in Blood Castle and Devil Square!

The Pandora Axe has a durability and is limited to a certain number of diggs (each exhausted minning field reduces the durability of the pandora pick by 10 points)

For each minning field cracked, the player receives 1 jewel (bless, soul, chaos, life, etc.)

To begin looting, you must place the Pandora Axe in the weapon slot and click on the mining field to begin mining immediately. As soon as the durability of the minning field drops to zero, the minning field will be cracked and you will receive a reward!

Golden bossesUseful information about golden bosses
Golden Budge Dragon
Location: Noria | Lorencia.
Special Drop: Box Of Luck.
Quantity Monster: 6 (3 Noria, 3 Lorencia).
Golden Goblin
Location: Noria | Lorencia.
Special Drop: Box Of Kundun +1.
Quantity Monster: 6 (3 Noria, 3 Lorencia).
Golden Soldier
Location: Devias.
Special Drop: Lucky Coin.
Quantity Monster: 4.
Golden Titan
Location: Devias.
Special Drop: Box Of Kundun +2.
Quantity Monster: 6.
Golden Vepar
Location: Atlans.
Special Drop: Lucky Coin.
Quantity Monster: 4.
Golden Derkon
Location: Lorencia | Noria | Devias.
Special Drop: Box Of Kundun +3.
Quantity Monster: 3.
Golden Lizard Knight
Location: Atlans.
Special Drop: Box Of Kundun +4.
Quantity Monster: 3.
Golden Tantalos
Location: Tarkan.
Special Drop: Box Of Kundun +5.
Quantity Monster: 2.
Golden Rabbit
Location: Elbeland.
Excellent: 20% Rings/Pendants Excellent (1/2 option)
Simple: 80% Rings/Pendants +4
Quantity Monster: 4.
ResetUseful information about reset syste,
Basic requirements for reset:
Be the required level ~ 400.
Have the required number of Zen in your inventory
Use command: /reset
Barriers are placed on the server, for a better balance, so that all players are equal.
Reset Level for Reset
0 - 50 400
Character leveling:
Character leveling consists of 50 resets.
Reset Exp Stats Stats Costs Zen
00 - 05 x50 500 - DW/DK/ELF/SUM/RF 500 - MG/DL 10.000.000
05 - 10 х45 500 - DW/DK/ELF/SUM/RF 500 - MG/DL 20.000.000
10 - 15 х40 500 - DW/DK/ELF/SUM/RF 500 - MG/DL 30.000.000
15 - 20 х35 500 - DW/DK/ELF/SUM/RF 500 - MG/DL 40.000.000
20 - 25 х30 500 - DW/DK/ELF/SUM/RF 500 - MG/DL 50.000.000
25 - 30 х25 500 - DW/DK/ELF/SUM/RF 500 - MG/DL 60.000.000
30 - 35 х20 500 - DW/DK/ELF/SUM/RF 500 - MG/DL 70.000.000
35-40 х15 500 - DW/DK/ELF/SUM/RF 500 - MG/DL 80.000.000
40-46 х10 500 - DW/DK/ELF/SUM/RF 500 - MG/DL 90.000.000
46-50 х5 500 - DW/DK/ELF/SUM/RF 500 - MG/DL 100.000.000
Castle SiegeLand of Trials

Each week on the servers is taking place the main event of the gaming world - Castle Siege. The winning guild, and its castle get access in a special location called Land of Trials.

Land of Trials is a special location, where only the Alliance owning the castle can have access. It is a farm-zone, with a diversity of bosses and mini-bosses, with special drop, where you can come at any time and farm all kinds of jewels, enchants, Excellent and Ancient items. Bosses are randomly appearing in any part of the map.
Land of Trials:
Golden Budge Dragon - 5x - 2 hours after the killings
Centarion - 2x - 6 hours after the killings
White Wizard - 1x - 6 hours after the killings
Death King - 1x - 6 hours after the killings
Red Dragon - 2x - 6 hours after the killings
Erohim - 1x - 24 hours after the killings.
Regular drop from the monsters Jewel Of Guardian / Ancient items.

Moreover, the characteristics of the monsters have changed
InvasionDetails about in-game events
Lunar Rabbit:
Location: Devias
Special Drop: Jewel Bless, Soul, Chaos.
Quantity Monster: 15.

Announce In Game: Yes.

Fire Flame Ghost:
Location: Lorencia
Special Drop: Divine, Black Dragon, Grand Soul, Glorious, Valiant, Thunder Hawk, Demonic, Piercing Groove, Dragon Shield, Cross Shield, Grand Soul Shield.
Quantity Monster: 5.

Announce In Game: Yes.

Pouch Of Blessing:
Location: Noria
Special Drop: Great Reign Crossbow, Celestial Bow, Dragon Soul Staff, Staff of Destruction, Great Lord Scepter, Demonic Stick, Rune Blade, Piecing Glove, Sword of Destruction, Daybreak
Quantity Monster: 5.

Announce In Game: Yes.

Golden Rabbit:
Location: Elbeland
Speciall Drop: Rings and Pendants Excellent/Simples +0 ... +4
Quantity Monster: 4.

Announce In Game: Yes.

Automatic events in game
Blood Castle
Devil Square
Chaos Castle
Angels vs Demons
Illusion Temple
Happy Hour
Blood Castle

About Blood Castle

Blood Castle Event every hour (Start XX:30)

Maximum players to entry in Blood Castle is - 15

PK Players allow to entry to Blood Castle

Maximum entries into Blood Castle 3 for a regular player (4 for a VIP)

The player has the possibility to buy 1 entry with 50 GenCoin

For killing 800 monsters, the player receives 1 jewel randomly

Special drop: Ancient Items


Blood Castle 1
- Jewel of Chaos
- Jewel of Bless
- Jewel of Soul
- Jewel of Creation
- Jewel of Life
- Bundle Jewel of Chaos (x10)
- Bundle Jewel of Soul (x10)
- Bundle Jewel of Bless (x10)
- Bundle Jewel of Creation (x10)
- Bundle Jewel of Life (x10)

For Bundle Jewels drop is 20%
Reset: 0 - 5
Blood Castle 2
- Jewel of Chaos
- Jewel of Bless
- Jewel of Soul
- Jewel of Creation
- Jewel of Life
- Bundle Jewel of Chaos (x10)
- Bundle Jewel of Soul (x10)
- Bundle Jewel of Bless (x10)
- Bundle Jewel of Creation (x10)
- Bundle Jewel of Life (x10)

For Bundle Jewels drop is 20%
Reset: 6 - 10
Blood Castle 3
- Jewel of Chaos
- Jewel of Bless
- Jewel of Soul
- Jewel of Creation
- Jewel of Life
- Bundle Jewel of Chaos (x10)
- Bundle Jewel of Soul (x10)
- Bundle Jewel of Bless (x10)
- Bundle Jewel of Creation (x10)
- Bundle Jewel of Life (x10)

For Bundle Jewels drop is 20%
Reset: 11 - 15
Blood Castle 4
- Jewel of Chaos
- Jewel of Bless
- Jewel of Soul
- Jewel of Creation
- Jewel of Life
- Bundle Jewel of Chaos (x10)
- Bundle Jewel of Soul (x10)
- Bundle Jewel of Bless (x10)
- Bundle Jewel of Creation (x10)
- Bundle Jewel of Life (x10)

For Bundle Jewels drop is 20%
Reset: 16 - 20
Blood Castle 5
- Jewel of Chaos
- Jewel of Bless
- Jewel of Soul
- Jewel of Creation
- Jewel of Life
- Bundle Jewel of Chaos (x10)
- Bundle Jewel of Soul (x10)
- Bundle Jewel of Bless (x10)
- Bundle Jewel of Creation (x10)
- Bundle Jewel of Life (x10)

For Bundle Jewels drop is 20%
Reset: 21 - 30
Blood Castle 6
- Jewel of Chaos
- Jewel of Bless
- Jewel of Soul
- Jewel of Creation
- Jewel of Life
- Bundle Jewel of Chaos (x10)
- Bundle Jewel of Soul (x10)
- Bundle Jewel of Bless (x10)
- Bundle Jewel of Creation (x10)
- Bundle Jewel of Life (x10)

For Bundle Jewels drop is 20%
Reset: 31 - 40
Blood Castle 7
- Jewel of Chaos
- Jewel of Bless
- Jewel of Soul
- Jewel of Creation
- Jewel of Life
- Bundle Jewel of Chaos (x10)
- Bundle Jewel of Soul (x10)
- Bundle Jewel of Bless (x10)
- Bundle Jewel of Creation (x10)
- Bundle Jewel of Life (x10)

For Bundle Jewels drop is 20%
Reset: 41 - 50
Blood Castle 8
- Silver Key
- Golden Key

For Bundle Jewels drop is 20%
Devil Square

About Devil Square

DS Event every 2 hour (Open: XX:55, Start XX:00)

Maximum player to entry in DS Event is - 25

PK Players allow entry to Devil Square!

Maximum entries into Devil Square 3 for a regular player (4 for a VIP)

Reward zen!

The player has the possibility to buy 1 entry with 50 GenCoin

For killing 800 monsters, the player receives 1 jewel randomly

Special drop: Ancient Items

Chaos Castle

About Chaos Castle

Chaos Castle Event 2 times a day (15:10 / 21:00)

Minimum players to entry in Chaos Castle is - 2

PK Players deny to entry to Chaos Castle

The player has the possibility to buy 1 entry with 100 GenCoin


Chaos Castle 1
- Talisman of Luck
- Talisman of Chaos Assembly

Drop for Ancient item is 80%
Reset: 0 - 5
Chaos Castle 2
- Talisman of Luck
- Talisman of Chaos Assembly

Drop for Ancient item is 80%
Reset: 6 - 10
Chaos Castle 3
- Talisman of Luck
- Talisman of Chaos Assembly

Drop for Ancient item is 80%
Reset: 11 - 15
Chaos Castle 4
- Talisman of Luck
- Talisman of Chaos Assembly

Drop for Ancient item is 80%
Reset: 16 - 25
Chaos Castle 5
- Talisman of Luck
- Talisman of Chaos Assembly

Drop for Ancient item is 80%
Reset: 26 - 35
Chaos Castle 6
- Talisman of Luck
- Talisman of Chaos Assembly

Drop for Ancient item is 80%
Reset: 35 - 50
Chaos Castle 7
- Talisman of Luck
- Talisman of Chaos Assembly

Drop for Ancient item is 80%
Angels vs Demons
The server has a new mass PvP event called Team vs Team.
The essence of the event is simple, all players are divided into two teams - Red and Blue in random order.
After the start of the event is a mass battle red against blue, wins the team that makes more kills.

About TvT

TvT Event 2 times a day (Time: 13:05, 18:50)

Minimum player to entry in TvT Event is - 2

Maximum player to entry in TvT Event is - 10

You must not be a member of a party or you will not be allowed in the TvT Master!

TvT Master located in Lorencia 138x140!


- 10 GenCoin
- 1 TvT Box

Reward receive only win team!
NPC Luguard Mu Online
Lorencia 140x140
About Doppelganger
- Doppelganger Event 4 times a day
   (the entrance opens 6 hours after you have participated)
- Minimum players to entry in Doppelganger is - 1
   (Recommended in party)

Sign of Dimension
Sign of Dimension
To get the Mirror of Dimensions you must collect 5 Sign of Dimensions.
The Sign of Dimensions is obtained by hunting level 32 or higher monsters.
When you get 5 Sign of Dimensions, it will automatically create the Mirror of Dimensions.
Mirror of Dimension
Sign of Dimension
Item used to enter the Doppelganger


Prevent more than 3 monsters from passing through the Magical Barrier during the time limit.

If the winner is not determined within 3 minutes of the final battle, the final winner will be determined as follows.

Number of surviving party members.

Number of monster kills.

Average level of surviving party members (the party with the lower average level wins).

When the final winner is determined, each surviving player will receive 1 Jewel of Life, Experience points and Gens points.

In addition, the survival party will receive the Final Reward Chest.


When 3 monsters pass through the Magical Barrier.

When a character dies during battle (only the dead character is treated as a failure).

Silver Reward Chest
Silver Chest

Jewel of Chaos.

Jewel of Bless.

Jewel of Soul.

Jewel of Life.

Jewel of Creation.

Item of Elemental (CP: 1500).

Item of Guild (CP: 300).

Special rings and pendants. (Expiration time: 3 hours)

Golden Reward Chest
Golden Chest

Jewel of Chaos.

Jewel of Bless.

Jewel of Soul.

Jewel of Life.

Jewel of Creation.

Item of Elemental (CP: 2000).

Item of Guild (CP: 500).

Special rings and pendants. (Expiration time: 6 hours)

Reward for Chest
Illusion Temple
Illusion Temple is one of the most exciting moments in the game.
This is an opportunity to meet with other players of your level, and get a huge amount of experience points.

About Illusion Temple

IT Event 1 time a day (Time: 16:00)

Minimum player to entry in IT Event is - 2

Maximum player to entry in IT Event is - 10

IT Master located in Lorencia 130x138!

Happy Hour
Happy Hour - This is a unique event designed to increase experience and drop on all maps of the MU Genesis continent.

About Happy Hour

Increase Experience + x2

Increase Drop Items + 10%





SkyEvent - Sky Event is an Event Similar to Devil Square that takes place in Icarus2. You need to present Star of Sky Event (according to your Level) to NPC SkyEvent (Devias 212:60) in order to enter

Drop: 1 random ancient item

Levels for entry in SkyEvent

50 ~ 180
180 ~ 220
221 ~ 280
281 ~ 349
350 ~ 400

Time for entry

This description can be changed / supplemented during the OBT and the life of the server!